Inner Circle’ reaches the inner recesses of the heart/mind and connects with some magical receptors on the surface membrane of bountiful inner peace.
Artists Helfenrath and de Jong (as Ranga) became a sensation
with their release Radiant Awakening. Coen Helfenrath has a background in psychology and astrology. His delicate piano playing liberates tendrils of sound that reach and curl deep into the heart.
Ted de Jong is regarded as one of the leading Western tabla players and has lectured at the famous Rotterdam Academy of Music which boasts one of the finest north Indian music programmes outside of India.
Musician Lenneke van Staalen’s north Indian style of violin playing enters into this crucible of musical delight, which will charm lovers of fine music, yogis seeking a conducive background to envelop their space, and therapists who provide sounds to embrace their clients and support healing.
Richard Clark
Astanga Yoga
Shala, Brisbane
A perfect Circle
Inner Circle contains 13 beautiful
tracks of Indian and Western music
that features an array of instruments
including tablas, sitar, piano and
accordion for a mesmerising effect.
This is an excellent CD of devotional
music to balance energies, and would make the perfect accompaniment for yoga classes, meditation practice or simply relaxing at home.
Yoga Magazine UK