} Sacred Garden - Ranga

Sacred Garden

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An intimate journey into a trancelike state of love and happiness.

The journey starts with the shout of the Indian cuckoo, echo of the beloved. You are invited to enter the magical garden. Once passed the “Hidden Entrance” the stream of music will gradually drag you deeper into the inner world.
In the second part ,”Lasting Embrace”, temple bells anounce that you are being carried by something bigger than you. There is dearness and intimate sharing in the melody; a recognition of something lost long ago. The longing voice of the indian violin, the sarangi, tells her story.
The last part of this work is called “Fountain of Bliss”.
The first and the second part flow together. It feels like the earth is dancing; unceasingly moving towards rainbowlike arcs.

Scheibe_Sacerd-GardenThe true spirit of tantra may be experienced.

The trancelike structure of “Sacred Garden” makes it very beneficial to tantric-and meditational practices, as well as to yoga, massage and other healing arts.
It was originally recorded as one piece.The basic keynote together with the steady, ongoing pulse of the rhythm is very well suited to bring the heart at ease.
“Sacred Garden”is intuitively created with a rhytmic structure that corresponds with the frequency of brainwaves between 4 and 8 Hz. This is called the theta state. Theta waves are believed to be connected with unconsious images and creativity. They seem to induce long forgotten childhood memories.

Be careful: May influence driving ability!